Product Subscriptions

Follow these steps

  1. Log in to MyGov and go into Centrelink.
  2. Navigate to: Payments and Claims - Manage Payments - Manage Deductions
  3. Click the + Add another button
  4. Search for Mayi Market using our CRN: 555 060 476S (end digit is a capital S)
  5. Choose payment type
  6. Account reference – Enter your name
  7. How much? – Enter the total amount of the order
  8. How often – Choose Fortnightly
  9. Select the payment date and select “This payment will be taken out of your payment until you tell us to stop.”
  10. Tick the declaration
  11. Click Submit

Need help?

Drop into your local O-Hub or give us a call on 4042 7260 and we can help you get setup!